Monday, January 27, 2020

The Theories Of The New World Order

The Theories Of The New World Order Originally, the term conspiracy theory was used to describe any claim of civil, criminal or political conspiracy. However, it has come almost exclusively to refer to any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and cunning. To conspire means to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end. The term conspiracy theory is frequently used by scholars and in popular culture to identify secret military, banking, or political actions aimed at stealing power, money, or freedom, from the people. A conspiracy theory can be argued as an alternative to the official or mainstream story of events. But if one were to look into conspiracy theories today, they will largely find that thinking about a conspiracy is associated with lunacy and paranoia. Some websites suggest it as an illness. I find it very strange as some of the greatest discoveries of all time were initially received as blasphemous conspiracy theories think of the revelation that the earth was not the center of the universe, or that the world was not flat but actually round. Novus Ordo Seclorum New World Order For decades, the New World Order has been a prominent conspiracy theory. The Oxford English Dictionary defines New World Order as: A new or alternative model of social organization, interaction, or control; (Polit.) a new balance of power among nations, sometimes as manifested in arrangements established internationally for preserving political stability; esp. (in recent use) the state of global politics and the global economy following the end of the Cold War. According to Wikipedia: In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a bureaucratic collectivist one-world government. It is a worldwide conspiracy being devised by a group of extremely influential individuals, including many of the worlds wealthiest people, top political leaders and corporate elite, whose goal is to create a one-world fascist government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, obedient to their agenda. The elite of this group are united primarily by Satanism, Luciferianism or Spirit Worship. In truth, I believe, it is something far more sinister than what we are made to believe. In his documentary, End Game, Alex Jones has tried to explain that for the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Jones has researched on the global elites bloody rise to power, how they are behind the bloodiest of wars, the dictatorships, the tyrannies and the revolutions. From Islamic point of view, this idea of a New World Order is somewhat similar to that of the age of Dajjal. One which is ruled by confusion, tyranny and trials for Muslims. New World Order An Overview: Zionist banker Paul Warburg said: We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate). In 1992, Dr. John Coleman, an analyst of world affairs, identifies the New World Order agenda of world control as: A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited. (Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, pg 161) In the preface to his book Descent into Tyranny, Alex Jones states that the New World Order system of world conquest has always been visible but it is so hulking and massive that it has remained hidden in plain sight: One of the most common pre-conditioned responses I hear from the average compartmentalized individual is that there couldnt be a society of people working for world government. Those in denial proclaim, Its too bigà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it would unravelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they couldnt keep it hiddenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The globalists plan is so far along that now they must admit that world government is a reality. Their propagandists are hailing the New World Order as the only system that will keep us safe and secure. In reality it is the world government itself which is conducting the terrorist acts. The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline families that make up the core of these elite, the perpetrators of the New World Order, also believed to be Freemasons. In 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society modeled on Freemasonry, an Order of Masons, descendants of the Knights Templers, who called themselves The Illuminated, whose initial aim was to abolish Christianity and overturn all civil government. Writers such as David Icke believe that the Illuminati survived and are still manipulating world events by infiltrating powerful governments of the world. The great strength of our Order ties in its concealment; let it never appear in anyplace in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. Adam Weishaupt Using their covert methods, they drove the people into conflict and war, fully realizing the potential of the divide and rule policy, profiting from the sale of arms in the process. Wars also served other purposes for them, like making the people easier to control and influence because in times of turmoil, people turn to their kings for protection. From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order. Contrary to popular belief, the term New World Order was not coined by George Bush. It is an ancient plan of the secret and occult societies of the world. The illuminati are interconnected families who believe Lucifer is their spiritual father and they do his bidding. They plan their diabolical agenda through societies like the Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Zionists etc, never revealing themselves, always remaining behind the veil. Famous families believed to be members of this occult society include names like the Rockefellers, Rothschild and Vanderbilt families. The goal of the Illuminati is to destroy all governments and religions to bring the world under their own control. That is the central idea of the New World Order. The agenda is to have one world government with the biblical Antichrist as the ultimate world leader. The reach of these people stretches through all areas of society, from the production of food and medicine, to governments, banking institutions, entertainment, and what not. All major world events are carefully planned and carried out by them. World events that most people see as chance or coincidence are actually a deliberate plan to disempower people and gain more control. For example, the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Almost the whole world knows by now, that the 9/11 attacks were not what they were made to appear. But still people are skeptic about the existence of secret societies and their involvement in major world events. The reason for this is that they have been programmed or brainwashed to react this way to these claims. What we believe to be public opinion is in fact carefully shaped and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the masses. What influences our opinion the most? The media! And who controls the media other than the global elite. O f course they use it for their own agendas. The NWOs Role in Shaping History: Most of the major wars, political upheavals, economic depressions, recessions of the past centuries were carefully mapped out and prompted by these elites. Both the World Wars, the Great Depression, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the fall of the Soviet Union, the Iraq War and the French Revolution are examples of major events orchestrated by the elements of the New World Order, shaping the course of history. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New world Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become reality for the whole world. The American Hebrew Magazine, 10, Sept. 1920 The Rothschilds financed the American Revolution. Their aim was to strengthen their hand against the King of England. That is why Freemasonry is so central to American history. When their agents got control of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board in 1913, they immediately began preparations for war. Armed with American wealth, they triggered World War I. They deluded the peace-loving Americans into the war by sinking the Lusitania. They were also able to subdue their long-term nemesis, Imperial Russia, by creating the Soviet Union. World War II was staged for several reasons: to reduce the worlds population, to gain profits and to scare the Jews out of Europe and into Palestine. At the end of World War II, the Masonic group tried to cement their control of the world by creating the United Nations. At the time, they controlled all 5 permanent Security Council members. They have since lost China and Russia. In America, the Rockefellers and their fellow barons began a long-term program to complete their enslavement of the American people. They quietly and systematically gained control of the media, the text-book publishing companies and, by spreading their wealth liberally and strategically, were able to distort education. How It Works: The NWO global conspirators carry out their agenda through the skilful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear. In the past centuries, they have repeatedly used a mechanism that NWO researcher and author David Icke has characterized in his book The Biggest Secret, as Problem, Reaction Solution. First, they create a problem , mostly by funding, assembling and training an opposition group to stimulate turmoil in an established political power that they wish to invade. In recent decades, the so called opponents are being identified as freedom fighters or liberators by the media, (for example, the most wanted, Taliban). At the same time the leader of the said state or country is vilified, (like the case of Saddam Hussein). The controlled media reports about the horrific atrocities suffered by the innocent civilians at the hands of the tyrants. The NWO puppeteers then provide the solution by sending in UN peace keepers or NATO forces. Once there, these troops never leave. They gain control. The goal is to control all major countries or strategic areas where significant resistance to the New World Order is likely to be encountered. The corporate portion of the NWO pyramid is dominated by international bankers, oil barons and major multinational companies. The United Nations, and all the agencies working under it are full-time players in this scheme. NATO is their military tool. The leaders of all major industrial countries like the United States, England, Germany, France, i.e. the members of the G7, G8 etc. are all active and fully cooperative participants in this conspiracy. The degree of influence exerted by the Illuminati or Freemasons has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked individuals who are groomed and selected by them are even eligible to become the prime ministers or presidents of countries like the US and UK. Human rights infringements, a planned global economic meltdown, false war on terrorism, false war on global warming, oppressing the supposed terrorists, oppressing the remaining free world, are all part of their duties as heads of states or holders of other key positions in the government. There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasnt been used since and that is a new world order- Senator Gary Hart, Council on Foreign Relations meeting, 12 September 2001 Weapons of the New World Order: Historically, the control and manipulation of political opinion has been the main weapon in gaining control of states. The New World Order agents realize that their plan for a world government depends entirely on subduing the masses to their agenda and thus eliminating opposition to their cause. The greatest threat to their plan, greater than any army or law, is the threat of a free thinking mind. In order to eliminate this threat, they have devised plans to completely control every aspect of our lives. Your lives and the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes, entertaining you and gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing. In todays society people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media. Television, Cinema, Computer Games, The Internet, Popular Fiction and Popular Music are integral part of their lives. Yet these provide a vast expanse on information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind. Information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structured is past before you every single day. The Antichrist/Dajjal cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. A closer look on our society reveals that this shift is in fact, taking place, whether we realize it or not.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

New Yorker

Response distill Leper's: â€Å"The Prism† Mr.. The violation of one's privacy and different events that have aroused within history that regurgitate a violation of privacy is the theme surrounding this article. In addition to this the article Is centered around the Idea that as Individuals are defending their privacy more and more methods are being developed to try and invade that privacy, especially more so in this modern day and age because technologies are being developed that were unprecedented hundreds of years ago.Another theme expressed in the article is the idea that American culture today can e viewed as a paradox because many individuals love being seen and hidden at the same time, that the only thing that Is loved more than privacy Is publicity. Lastly, two big events that occurred and are currently occurring that reiterate a violation of privacy are the incidents with Giuseppe Amazing, an Italian exile in London in 1844, who had his mall read by the British govern ment without his consent and the N. S. A. Collecting data online for years by tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies. Personally. I believe this article Is quite Interesting and entertaining and Is tryingly supported with reliable sources and anecdotes. The author uses a certain literary prose and Biblical references in an attempt to capture the audience; and the author also structures the article In an effective way. For example, the article began with an anecdote about something not very well-known but then connects it with the N. S. A. And the current Obama Administration in order to improve our understanding of the event. This article relates to U.S. History because It Incorporates the Obama Administration as previously mentioned and at the same time it refers to earlier American history. For example the article speaks of Almagest v. United States in 1928 In which the court considered the constitutionality of wiretapping. Eventually Alm agest was convicted but after serving three years' hard labor was pardoned by Franklin Roosevelt in 1935. Clearly, this article has different aspects of the long history of the united States which Is one of the reasons It is such an Interesting. Capturing article.Response to Jane Meyers: â€Å"A Word from Our Sponsor† A documentary filmmaker, Alex Gibing, created a film called â€Å"Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream† which was centered on the growing economic inequality in America. Gibing uses the contrasting ways of the individuals living in the most expensive apartment buildings in Manhattan on 740 Park Avenue and those of the underprivileged people living In the Bronx as a case study. However by doing this Gibing puts David Koch, a billionaire industrialist who resides in 740 Park Avenue, under heavy scrutiny.This caused problems because the film was set to air on public broadcasting entitles such as PBS, WENT, HIGH, and TIPS and Koch was a donor to all these companies and he was also a trustee of both WENT and HIGH. Many of the head executives of each of the companies were not sure if they should to the many problems that came about Koch decided to resign from WENT on May 16 as he felt he was not supported as well as he should have been by the media organization he gave so much to.I believe this article is interesting and is applicable to young students all the way up to adults because it provides an insight into not only the growing economic inequality within American society but also the way in which the possession of money translates to power. The author does a good Job of presenting the information in the article because she gives different accounts to add more detail into the theme of the article which surrounded David Koch. The article relates to U. S. Story in different ways; one of them being that the growing economic disparity in America is highlighted. In addition the article states that the Koch's were funding much of the opposition to President Barack Obama by organizing a compilation of advocacy groups. Also, it talks about how federal funding for public broadcasting has been dwindling and the government's contribution only makes up a small percent of public broadcasting funds. As one can see this article deals with many current problems within the U. S. Which heavily center on money and its possession. Response to Jill Leper's: â€Å"The Force† The article is centered around the topic of the amount of money the United States spends on military defense and whether it is necessary or not. Another essential aspect surrounding the article is the fact that individuals at the head of Congress that control military actions should not be in such positions of power because of the fact that many of them have never experienced active duty in the military and thus o not understand the troubles one faces during war.Also the article speaks of how the ideals of the United States military seem to be changing with the progression of time. Currently it seems that many Americans view the strength of the nation as stemming from the strength of the military; and that many individuals in Congress believe in the destiny that the United States needs to rule the world. Ultimately the idea that the United States' military force requires some sort of limitations and perhaps needs to revert back to its original ideas of not having a standing army is the entrant themes surrounding the article.I believe this article is captivating because it presents information that truly affects the lives of us as Americans every day. The author does a fairly good Job of organizing the article in such a way that captures the reader because she shows the changing entity of the U. S. Military from early in American history to the present day as we wage in the Afghanistan War. The author supports her assertion of the changing American military by using different first-hand accounts from anti-war veterans and former President Eisenhower. Clearly the article relates to U. S. Story as the article is predominantly centered on the U. S. Military and the amount of revenue and problems that have been faced by the military. Ultimately, I found it quite interesting that the author mentioned that many Congressional hearings have poor attendance because many individuals that are a part of Congress do not find every hearing important. This came as a shock to me because I was under the assumption that regardless of the hearing there no doubt had to be a great number of people attending because they all in one way or another impact the status of the intrigued.Response to Keeled Saneness: â€Å"Paint Bombs† This article is focused around the idea of anarchism and about a particular individual, David Grabber, who supports it. He was a part of the Occupy Movement that occurred on Wall Street and many individuals were struggling against the local government and police because they did not believe in the idea of a single governing body ceasing the majority of the power. Grabber states that if a new society were to be created that people would have the ability to have a wider range of options.A big topic of discussion surrounding this article was the idea that as the government egging to expand it is even more necessary to try and shrink it. At the same time the article explains that as the state/government grows it may be easier to imagine that one could live without the support of the government since the amount of direct help one would receive would dwindle. In addition the article speaks of how Anarchism may be on the rise in today's modern world because of the fall of so many institutionalized governments, which is an interesting point.I believe this article is interesting especially because I was never really exposed to the ideas or history of Anarchism. I believe the author did a good Job of presenting the information and making his/her point felt to the audience. For example, the author focuses in on one particular individual whom practices Anarchism and gives accounts of his life while at the same time giving accounts of other individuals that support his ideas. This relates to U. S. Story in different ways such as when the author mentions that Anarchism has been on the rise in America because of the fall of the Soviet Union. In addition the author also mentions that current President Obama had to present his health-care reforms as an opportunity to reduce federal gadget; which has not worked out as planned. Also Grabber credits the Occupy Movement with preventing Mitt Rooney from becoming President; and perhaps if Rooney would have been elected President America may be a different place as we speak.Response to Jill Leper's: â€Å"The Commandments† This article focuses on the American Constitution and the way in which it is open for a great deal of interpretation by Americans; and the fact that different people vary quite a lot on the wa y in which they decide to interpret the laws that lie within the Constitution. Perhaps one of the reasons that the Constitution is up for such a retreat deal of interpretation stems from the fact that it has its many faults as Benjamin Franklin pointed out when the Constitution was being originally drafted.In addition, the article focuses around the fact that very few Americans have actually took the time to read the whole Constitution and this proves to be a downfall. If we, as Americans, were familiar with what the Constitution outlined then we would be more apt to demand that our representatives in government abide by it. Also the article mentions that Originations argue that originals is the only legitimate way of Constitutional interpretation. In this manner elected representatives pass laws and the courts protect the will of the people by making sure those laws abide by the Constitution as originally drafted.Ultimately the Constitution may not be perfect but nonetheless it is every Americans' rule of law. I believe this article is interesting and informational, however the author could have done a better Job of presenting the information in a way that captured the supporting evidence for the claims she made such as when she said few Americans have read the Constitution and she goes on and gives the statistic that 72 percent of bout a thousand people questioned had never read all forty-four hundred words of the Constitution.Clearly the article is centered on the forefront of American history and how throughout time many Americans have failed to cherish and appreciate their own Constitution as they have not taken the time to truly understand it. Ultimately, this article focused on the way in which America has evolved and progressed throughout time due to the structural foundation laid by the Constitution and to some America's progression is not as ideal as could be but nonetheless something that has to be accepted by Americans. Response to Seymour M.Herb's : â€Å"Last Stand† This article focuses on the Bush Administration and the way in which it went about handling the predicament in Iran as they began to enrich Uranium which can ultimately lead to the development of nuclear bombs. The Bush Administration attempted to make peace talks with Iran assuming that they halted their enrichment activity because they feared that Iran would accumulate nuclear powers and use it to cause devastating effects onto the U. S. Military. The Bush Administration was contemplating whether to engage on an attack onto Iran so that they would not attack the U.S. Forever it was predicted that the war would spread even more as a result. Another topic discussed in the article is the fear of angering Iran which perhaps could lead to them cutting off the oil supply to the United States. In addition the article speaks of how the state of Israel was in great fear because of rumors that Iran had nuclear bombs at their disposal and so Israel seeded out to th e United States for assistance and protection. However the situation was difficult as a failed attack on Iran by the United States would lead to a multitude of problems.I believe this article is intriguing because of the fact that it is centered on such a regale topic that could potentially cause grave danger to the whole world; and for that reason alone it captured me from the outset. The author does a good Job of structuring the article by giving the details and ideas surrounding the Bush Administration and then at the same time giving the different opinions of high- ranking military officials and intelligence officers that was closely tied to the manner.In addition I liked how the author incorporated the state of Israel and where it stood in regard to Iran as a neighboring country. This relates to U. S. History because the policies of a former U. S. President are mentioned and the way in which those policies affected the country is discussed. A large scope was put on the United S tates' foreign policy of diplomatic relations. Response to George Packer's: â€Å"The Choice† This article focuses on the Presidential candidates of the 2008 Presidential Election; which were Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.This article analyzes the different ideas and goals each candidate held such as the fact that Clinton took on more of an executive role whereas Obama took on more of a visionary role in which he believes that Americans can restore their faith in government. The personal autobiography it is revealed that he struggled with finding his own identity but that he solved them and as a result is comfortable with himself and the complexities of the world.However in Silicon's autobiography it was seen that she always seemed to have something to hide as if she does not trust anyone to understand her personal struggles. At the same time there were many people who supported Clinton because they believed she was more committed to using power for social change and she wi ll march ahead and let those who want to follow her follow her. Obama was supported y many as well as he looked to implement his vision of change with every American following him to achieve change.Ultimately there are those who say that in order to have won the Presidency Clinton would have had to change her own tactics and engage in more off leader position. I believe this article is interesting to say the least because it gave me a clear insight into how the Presidential campaign for the 2008 Election was structured and how it swayed the opinions of Americans. I am not very well-versed politically; however after reading this article I became more aware of the political make-up of American politics.In addition I believe the author did a decent Job of keeping the reader engaged because he did not solely focus on one Presidential candidate for a long period of time, but rather gave details about both candidates at the same time in order to more effectively show their differences. Th is strongly relates to U. S. History because it shows how American politics work and the way in which politicians try to gain votes and supporters. Also we are introduced to the reasons behind why the 2008 Presidential Election ended the way it did; and perhaps if it would have ended tit Hilary Clinton as U.S. President we could be living in a different America. However that what if question can never really be answered and the election of Obama as President adds on to the long legacy of American history. Response to Seymour M. Herb's: â€Å"Torture at ABA Grail† This article explores the torture that Iraqi prisoners faced at the hands of American soldiers in ABA Grabs. Major General Antonio M. Taught reported the devastating wrongdoings of American soldiers on Iraqi prisoners and there was compelling evidence such as graphic photographic images.Images show that Iraqi inmates had to endure humiliating poses and engage in humiliating acts such as men being naked in front of ot her men; which are especially looked down upon in Islamic law. These abuses became public because specialist Joseph M. Dairy was outraged and demanded that the soldiers that engaged in such cruel acts should have been punished accordingly. In addition the soldiers that did treat the inmates cruelly stated in their defense that they were given orders by the military intelligence to treat them in that manner so that they could get information out of them.Regardless this situation examined in the article has caused enormous consequences for the imprisoned Iraqis and for the perception of the United States and its Army. I believe this article is perhaps one of the most interesting and mind-boggling articles I have ever read. I would have never believed that American soldiers would engage in such acts of violence and cruelty against a group of people that were basically innocent.I was disappointed in a sense to know that I am an American and feel we Americans should protect the underpriv ileged and not euthanize them and make their situation worse than what it is. But I believe the author did a good Job of presenting the information by giving accounts from different officials that were closely tied to the situation. I appreciate the detail the author gave when describing what the soldiers were doing to the Iraqi prisoners because it allows the reader to get a better understanding of what exactly they had to experience.This article is related to U. S. History because it speaks of how American soldiers treated a certain group of people and the way in which it left a negative image onto America and its history. Response to Jill Leper's: â€Å"Benched† This article is centered on the Supreme Court and its process of Judicial review. Also mentioned in the article is the idea that what the people think about the Judicial review stems from what they think of how the Supreme Court is composed. For example, if the Court is liberal-based then it follows that liberals s ee the Judicial review as good.If the Court is conservative-based then conservatives will thus see the Judicial review as a positive thing. In addition, the idea that Judicial review is part of a larger struggle for the Judicial branch to be free from the constraint of the other trotter branches of government and be free from commercial interests (money) was expressed. For example many state Judges, 90 percent of them, run for office and as a result spending on Judicial campaigns has greatly increased with the progression of time.Also the article mentions that many problems arise within a democracy when the citizens of that democracy believe that the laws that make up the framework of their country are being bought and sold; as is the problem at times within the United States. Ultimately that is one of the big problems being faced by the Supreme Court, he idea of money taking over the constitutional framework. I believe this article was very informative and beneficial to read becaus e it gave me more knowledge about something I did not know very much about.I found it interesting to find out that some founding fathers of the United States viewed the judicial branch as a weak almost unimportant branch of government. For example in the article there is a quote from Alexander Hamilton in which he says, â€Å"The Judiciary is beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of powers†¦ Of the three powers the Judiciary is next to nothing. The author did a good Job of connecting older ideologies of American history with newer evolving concepts surrounding American history and more specifically the Supreme Court and Judicial branch.This clearly relates to American history because the article is centered on the Supreme Court and its composition and its relation to Judicial review; and whether that Judicial review is deemed acceptable by the citizens or not. Response to Steve Coal's: â€Å"Remote Control† One of the topics discussed in this article is the fact that former President Eisenhower agreed with the idea of executing or overthrowing undesirable foreign traders because as he saw it political assassinations were a good alternative to military action.However it seemed as if Eisenhower method of executing political assassinations were not seen as effective as time went on so the presidents that followed put bans on political assassinations. The tide turned after September 1 1, 2001 when the Pentagon was bombed and President George W. Bush agreed to kill and currently the Obama Administration still utilizes it against suspected foreign threats. However the use of drones may in fact be leading to more problems than lotions because political relations between the United States and Pakistan, which has a growing nuclear arsenal, have collapsed because of the use of drones.Ultimately the question that has yet to be answered is, â€Å"Does America truly understand the repercussions of using drones to attack foreign nations? † I thought this article was quite interesting because it opened my eye to a situation I was not very well aware of. I never knew that the Obama Administration used drones on foreign threats and even more so I was not aware that President Eisenhower agreed with the idea of political assassinations. The author did a good bob of organizing the information into a condensed paper while at the same time still conveying his message to the reader.I found it interesting how the author linked the Obama Administration using drones to former President Eisenhower policy of political assassinations; the idea that the reason the Obama Administration decided to use drones came from the ideals of Eisenhower. This clearly relates to U. S. History as the article analyzed the ideas of a former U. S. President and the ideas of a current U. S. President; and the way in which those ideas have affected the United States' foreign relations today.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Outliers: The Story to Sucess Essay

Outliers: The Story of Success is a book that examines the qualities and experiences of successful people in order to provide a blueprint for nurturing the human potential. According to the author, Malcolm Gladwell, human potential is not something one is born with but something that has to be shaped throughout one’s life course. Contrary to popular belief, having a high IQ or a lucky break are good opportunities to have, however, they do not contribute to an individual’s success alone. Gladwell realized that it took a combination of biological, personal, social, and environmental factors to help an individual reach their full potential. Examples of those factors that influence one’s success include timing of birth, area where one lives, family history, and culture. These factors make up concepts that Gladwell described as practical intelligence, social savvy, natural growth, and natural advantage. In addition to these factors, he discussed how anyone can succeed if they were willing to practice and work hard. He demonstrated this theory by researching the different stories of successful people and he found a common denominator, long hours of professional practice. He referred to this as the â€Å"10,000 Hour Rule. He mentioned that it took 10,000 hours or approximately 10 years of practice to perfect a professional trade. Outliers are successful people that are not your ordinary individual. However, the distinction of a true outlier can be attributed from the author’s recipe of success: the right combination of the different factors, practice, and hard work. Gladwell knew that IQ was not the sole determinant of success. So he developed other concepts based on family circumstances that included the time period of birth and child rearing, as well as, one’s acquired knowledge through education. Robert Sternberg described practical intelligence as a procedural method of knowledge that helps one know how, when, and what to say to whom to get what they desired. Gladwell looked at the life’s courses of successful people and found that many sports players born at a certain time of year were more likely to be selected for professional hockey or soccer teams. He discovered that they had more time to practice and become  better at playing these sports before the team’s selection process. He also looked at the time period at which one was born such as Bill Joy or Bill Gates, to show how they were born at the perfect time to refine a skill and change the world when the opportunity presented itself later in life. These examples show that each of these people acquired the proper skills from lots of hard work and long hours of practice; nonetheless, they were also at the right place at the right time, which were made possible through family circumstances. Social savvy is another process of acquiring knowledge that includes a collection of skills that had to be learned. These skills and attitudes are usually passed down through family generations and the chances of success are strongly influenced by their cultural legacy. Annette Laureate was a sociologist who best explained this concept after studying a group of black and white 3rd graders from different socioeconomic statuses. She discovered that the socioeconomic status played a major role in children developing social savvy skills. However, the two parenting style â€Å"philosophies† were divided along class lines. Wealthy and middle-class parents supported their children and encouraged them to pursue goals. Wealthy children’s parents tended to be very involved in their child’s life and their schedules were filled with numerous activities. Middle-class parents used reasoning with their children to teach their children how to talk, negotiate, and question authority figures to obtain more information. This parenting style was called â€Å"concerted cultivation† because it nurtured and evaluated a child’s opinions, talents, and skills. Whereas, poor parents had a different strategy of raising their children, that is referred to as natural growth. Natural growth is the parent’s sole responsibility of caring for their children but letting the child develop and grow on their own. Neither method is ethically better than the other but the concerted cultivation demonstrated more natural advantages. Comparing Chris Langham, the smartest person in the world, and Robert Oppenheimer, one of the wealthiest lawyers in world, we learned that the cultural advantages of the wealthier families made a significant difference in how one is able to navigate throughout life. Although the poor children were independent and creative, later on in life they were not able to customize their desired path because they  distrusted authority and lacked the knowledge that taught them how to make a lasting first impression. These concepts proved that being an outlier is not just about luck but a combination of IQ, acquired knowledge from education and ideal circumstances generated by family. In 1994, David Leven and Michael Feinberg founded KIPP, Knowledge is Power Program, Academy in New York City for underprivileged children. The school’s concept is remotely based on one of Gladwell’s main points, the importance of cultural legacy. This experimental middle school choose their students through a lottery system and the students spent long hours each day learning about respect and different school subjects. This social initiative has been compared to other foreign countries’ schooling, because it supported another one of Gladwell’s points that hard work and lots of practice matters in success. Gladwell mentioned that practical intelligence or social savvy skills were usually acquired from one’s family, but KIPP Academy taught these skills at school. Therefore, many of the children went on to be successful because they have learned the tools to ensure life achievement. As mentioned earlier, socioeconomic status was one of the factors that contributed to one’s accomplishments, however, this school’s mission proved that regardless of a child’s family background, the child can still succeed if given the structure and opportunity. Daisy Nation and her husband were hard working schoolteachers who provided a foundation for the success of their children and their grandchildren. Both of their twin daughters, Faith and Joyce, were able to reap the benefits of their labor and achieve higher education. Faith was given several scholarships but Joyce was not always that lucky. However, Daisy always looked out for both daughters and sent them to schools believing that the funds for their educations would be come unexpectedly. Joyce went to France for school where she met her husband, Graham, and in this union Malcolm Gladwell, the author of this book, was born. Gladwell was indeed an outlier; however, he remained humble in knowing that he was not self-made but the product of his family and the concepts he mentioned in his book. His IQ, practical knowledge, and social savvy all played a role in his success. This book was very inspirational to me because it helped me to understand my past, present, and future success. I was not raised in a wealthy family, attended what is considered to be the best schools or even considered the smartest person in my classes, but I have had impeccable timing and great drive to pursue goals when educational and professional opportunities presented themselves. In my past, the life lessons and values from my parents created common sense. My DNA and pursuit of higher education generated book sense. With both set of skills, I have had many memorable experiences and I obtained a substantial amount of knowledge that has brought me thus far and will take me further than my high IQ or any lucky break could have taken me alone. This thought-provoking text demonstrated that I did not have to be wealthiest or have the highest test score, but solely needed the concepts of knowledge and practice to meet the success threshold. This book has also helped me to understand what I need to do presently in order to be a Public Health and Social Work expert. I lack the direct practice that is needed to reach the expertise level; however, I am willing to work hard and long to be successful in understanding individuals to produce changes in a population of individuals. Our society needs more individuals who have found their niche and used it for the advancement of the general public. The level of training and knowledge in public health is ever-changing and will require hard work and practice to be effective. I am an African American woman who has continued to beat the odds regardless of what some have predicted or desired for my life. At times, I feel as if they are right, but I remember the words of a wise man, â€Å"God doesn’t expect you to always be the best, He just expects you to do your best.† Therefore, I use negativity as my motivation to keep striving and utilize my skills to make a change one step, one day at a time.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Thesis Customer Satisfaction - 2111 Words

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature This chapter presents the literature related to this study. This will be conducted with the assessment of related literature to show the relevance of the literature to the study. RELATED LITERATURE Customer satisfaction is the most fundamental requirement for being in business. Therefore, every organization should plan the right strategies for dealing with customers, communicating with them, providing pleasant services and retaining them forever with specially chosen customer contact employees, all leading to their delight. Since most of the quality problems arise due to misunderstood requirements, it is essential to take steps to correctly understand, both the stated and implied requirements of†¦show more content†¦Applying to the hospitality industry, there have been numerous studies that examine attributes that travellers may find important regarding customer satisfaction. Atkinson (1988) found out that cleanliness, security, value for money and courtesy of staff determine customer satisfaction. Knutson (1988) revealed that room cleanliness and comfort, convenience of location, prompt service, safety and security, and friendliness of employees are important. Barsky and Labagh (1992) stated that employee attitude, location and rooms are likely to influence travellers satisfaction. A study conducted by Akan (1995) showed that the main determinants of hotel guest satisfaction are the behaviour of employees, cleanliness and timeliness. Choi and Chu (2001) concluded that staff quality, room qualities and value are the top three hotel factors that determine travellers satisfaction. Providing services those customers prefer is a starting point for providing customer satisfaction. A relatively easy way to determine what services customer prefers is simply to ask them. According to Gilbert and Horsnell (1998), and Su (2004), guest comment cards (GCCs) are most commonly used for determining hotel guest satisfaction. GCCs are usually distributed in hotel rooms, at the reception desk or in some other visible place. However, studies reveal that numerous hotel chains use guest satisfaction evaluating methods based on inadequate practices to make important and complexShow MoreRelatedThesis of Customer Satisfaction in Fast Food4413 Words   |  18 PagesBackground Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive market place where businesses compete for customers, customer  satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. 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